Hidrocore Series 2 for eyesight – Year long contact lenses color and number


13 shades of color shades and vision acuity number.
– 1 to 8 each quarter of a numer a smooth lense without a contouring frame for a completely natural look.

* The Ministry of Health recommends to undergo a vision test once a year
* Lenses can not be exchanged or returned once the package is opened
* Lenses are for cosmetic use only
* The color of the lenses may vary according to the eye color, complexion, shape of the eye and lighting

SKU: N/A Category:


8.60 mm Base curve
14.2 mm Diameter
38% Water
1 Year Period of usage cycle
HEMA Material
0.08 mm Center thickness

Additional information

בחירת צבע

Amber, Blue, Brown, Crystal, Giallo, Graphite, Gray, Ice Gray, Mel, Ochre, Quartz, Sky Gray, Topaz

עין ימין

1-, 1.25-, 1.5-, 1.75-, 2-, 2.25-, 2.5-, 2.75-, 3-, 3.25-, 3.5-, 3.75-, 4-, 4.25-, 4.5-, 4.75-, 5-, 5.5-, 6-, 6.5-, 7-, 7.5-, 8-

עין שמאל

1-, 1.25-, 1.5-, 1.75-, 2-, 2.25-, 2.5-, 2.75-, 3-, 3.25-, 3.5-, 3.75-, 4-, 4.25-, 4.5-, 4.75-, 5-, 5.5-, 6-, 6.5-, 7-, 7.5-, 8-

חברת פלא ביוטי דואגת ללקוחות שלה עם משלוח מהיר עם שליח עד הבית ובמהירות של עד 4 ימי עסקים ללא חיוב נוסף!


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